Thursday, April 12, 2012

Weekend Game - Oregon Trail!

This week we are reading a story called Boomtown, where a girl starts a business making pies to the miners. We have talked a bit about the dangers of traveling West, and for many years wished we could play a classic, Oregon Trail. It was one of my favorite games as a kid, and I'm sure a few parents played it on old Apples when they were kids too.

Well after several years I am happy to say I have it up and running! There is a small download called ActiveGS plugin, but it worked for me after that. There are settings that have to be changed in Internet Explorer, but no settings to change if you use Mozilla Firefox or Google Crome (different web browsers).

We played it once in class, and I was surprised how into it the kids were too. I thought the dated technology may make it less fun.

The Oregon Trail

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