Thursday, April 5, 2012

Testing Schedule

We have a couple of standardized tests and classroom tests coming up in the next couple of weeks.

The Benchmark Assessment, which is where they read and answer questions verbally, will be given on Wednesday, April 11 and Friday, April 13. Each student will only go once, so they will either read on the 11th or 13th, but not both. It takes most students around 15-30 minutes to finish.

The MAPS testing will be on Wednesday, April 18 and Thursday, April 19. These tests take about 45 minutes to take, and are taken on the computer. One day they will do language arts and the other day will be math.

The next math unit test probably won't be until somewhere around April 16 or 17. I would like to avoid taking it on the same day as MAPS testing. We are slowing down a little on the fractions unit, so it takes us a little longer to get through the unit (and means less math homework because we don't finish a unit everyday).

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