Monday, April 2, 2012

Back in the Grove

We are back and it was pretty obvious this morning that the kids got worn out and/or slept in over break. It hasn't been that quiet since the first day of school! I'm sure they'll adjust to the mornings again quickly.

A few notes for this week:
- Our spelling test will be on Thursday since we have a short week.

- We are switching our science unit to plants and the plant life cycle. We will be looking at several different kinds of seed and flowers to see how they germinate and pollinate.

- We are in the middle of a math unit and will continue that this week. Our unit is still focusing on fractions. It will be next week before we take a math test.

- In language arts the students will be writing a research report to go along with our story Yippee Yah! The story is an expository nonfiction (explains something real), and they will take the information from the story and write a report about cowboys and cowboy life.

- Finally, don't forget about the third grade biographies. We won't be presenting until the week of April 23-27, but the students will want to read the book soon so they have plenty of time focusing on their presentation. If you haven't sent a time to present yet please do that before April 13. We will present everyday that week at 8:15-8:30, 10:45-11:05, and 2:30-3:00.

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