Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Language Arts and Testing

The MAPs testing is being rescheduled for next week, it was originally supposed to this week. The MAPs testing takes two days, one for language arts and the other for math, and both tests are taken on the computer. Our Language Arts unit test is also scheduled for next week. The unit test is quite long and I like to split it up into two or three days. I am going to do some rearranging so students don't have to take both on the same day. I also like to avoid testing on Fridays, as I've found the results aren't always as good.

Because of all the testing we won't have a spelling list next week either.

With that said, here is the modified scheduled for our Unit 5 test and the MAPs testing:
Thursday, April 19 - First part of the language arts unit test
Friday, April 20 - No testing - We will be trying plantains, mangos, and coconuts to go with our Cocoa Ice story though
Monday, April 23 - Second part of the language arts unit test
Tuesday, April 24 - MAPs Testing - Language Arts
Wednesday, April 25 - MAPs Testing - Math
Thursday, April 26 - Finish the last section of the language arts unit test
Friday, April 27 - None

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