Monday, December 17, 2012

Xmas/Pajama Party

Our Christmas Party is scheduled for this Thursday, December 20th.  The students have also earned their pajama party for receiving so many paws as part of our rewards program.  This has been popular at IGEMS and the timing (along with the party is great).

 - For the PJ party the kids can wear slippers at school (shoes or boots to school though).  They can also wear their sleep clothes that they have.  Comfy sweatpants and t-shirt work just fine too.

 - IF there were a snow day on Thursday we'd have the Christmas Party first thing on Friday morning.   We would also have the PJ party on Friday too.

 - Don't forget that student gifts will be due on our party day too.  You can bring them in early if you'd like.

 - We will do the drawing for who gets to go shopping for a holiday dinner tomorrow (Tuesday).  If you are able to donate that would be great.  We'll draw four names of students who get to go shopping with me on Thursday (weather permitting).

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