Monday, December 10, 2012

Language Arts

Here is our third grade plan for the next two weeks before break.

-  This week we are finishing up with a of the Stories that Julian Tells.  There are several other stories that go along with the one from the book.

-  On Wednesday of this week we'll take the spelling/grammar test.  These are the spelling words where the students also need to identify where the apostrophe goes.

-  We won't have reading homework this week since we are at the end of the Julian Tells series.

-  On Thursday we'll begin the story of The Talent Show.  We'll continue this story through next week.

-  We'll take the Talent Show spelling pretest on Thursday, December 13.  The post-test will be on Wednesday, December 19.

-  Along with the story The Talent Show, the students will be presenting their talents to the third graders.  We will practice and present our talents in the morning on Thursday, December 20.  This show is just for our classrooms and we won't be inviting parents or other classes like the play.  I will give more details about the talent show later this week when we start it in class.

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