Thursday, December 13, 2012

Star of the Week

This week was our first week having a Star of the Week.  The "Star" gets to be the line leader for the week and has a word cloud that describes them with things they like and complements.  We use to create the word clouds and all the students think of two adjectives for our star.  It's a fun way to try to build vocabulary.  The "Star" also has their picture and list of favorites on a bulletin board in the hallway.  Each week we randomly pick a new Star of the Week until we are done sometime in April.

Library Books
One other side note, because of the Christmas Concert practice today we didn't have library.  We'll also miss library next week because it lands on Friday, which is a half day.  Ms. Olson has found a time for us to come in and check out books though.  On Tuesday, Dec. 18 we will stop in the library in the morning to get our library books before Christmas break.

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