Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Upcoming Events

There are a few things coming up in April that I wanted to update everyone on.

Biographies and Sign Up
The student biographies aren't until April 22-26, but sign up for the presentation times are due by this Friday, April 12.  Your child should have brought home a sign up sheet for the biographies, but you can just send me an e-mail or note too.  The times are Monday-Friday each day.  There is a time slot from 8:15-8:45 and 2:30-3:00 each day.  The only time slot that has been filled up so far is Friday afternoon.

Benchmark Assessments
I will be giving the students their last set of Benchmark Assessment tests tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll be able to get everyone done in one day, but I may need to finish up one or two kids on Friday.  I will be in the building tomorrow doing the testing, but the students will have a sub.  The Benchmark Assessments test is the one where students read to me and then I ask them questions.  Their level is determined by a combination of their comprehension and fluency.

Book Fair
The Spring Book Fair is next week.  It will be from April 15-April 18.  This books fair is the buy one get one free opportunity.  Our class will go look at the books on Tuesday and then have an opportunity to buy books on Thursday.  If you would like to come in and view or purchase books with your child it will be open on Thursday evening also, which is the Family Fun night.  Here is the website for more information:  IGEMS Book Fair

Royal Bank
On Friday, April 12 we will have someone from Royal Bank come in and present to the third grade.  They do a fun activity each year about saving money.

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