Friday, April 12, 2013

Testing Next Week

Our language arts test and math test both line up next week.  The language arts test will be split up over three days.  We are going to try to do the writing portion first this time.  Hopefully, the students will be fresh on the writing portion.  That is usually the area with the most struggle.  We'll also read the story If You Made a Million while taking the test.

In math we will be finishing up Unit 5 - Story Problems on Tuesday.  We will do a test review on Monday and take the test on Tuesday.  As you have probably seen on the homework the last couple of weeks, the kids are facing some difficult two part story problems.  I think they'll be ready to go though!  Our next unit will be geometry.

Because of both of these tests we won't have a lot of homework next week.  We won't have new units and information to cover like usual.  There will probably be homework on Monday and that may be it for the week!  We will also not have a spelling test next week.  The testing just takes up too much time to do both in one week.

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