Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April Calendars

Please remember your April reading calendars.  They are due tomorrow!

Also, tomorrow is a half day.  Please send a note with your child if they are going someplace different.

Finally, the students took their MAPs tests on reading on Monday and did awesome!  They have done such a good job of practicing reading and are becoming better readers.  Great job!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Busy Week

We have a few different things going on next week.  Remember on Wedesnday, May 1st next week we have a half day.  We also have MAPs testing next week on Monday and Wednesday.  Also, because of the MAPs test and the half day we'll do our extra reading recess on Thursday, May 2.

Monday - MAPs Testing - Language Arts - 1 p.m.
Wednesday - Half Day
  - Maps Testing - Math - 10 a.m.
Thursday - Extra Reading Recess

Take Your Child To Work

Yesterday Alstan came for the whole day. The kids were excellent with him, even though they had to share him. He even got a nap in.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wisconsin Bat Festival

When we had our Earth Day presentations last week and one of the presenters was from the DNR.  She gave lots of interesting information about bats and even brought in two different bats.  She talked about how the kids could go to the Wisconsin Bat Festival so I wanted to give a little more information about it.

Wisconsin Bat Festival 
(The title has a link to their page)
When:  June 1, 2013 - 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Where:  Warner Park Community Recreation Center, Madison, WI
Cost:  $5 for adults, kids under 16 are free with an accompanied adult

Monday, April 22, 2013

Family Traditions

This week we are reading a story about family traditions during language arts.  The students  will write about different family traditions they have.  Below are the options they have for each day.  We do all the writing and the project in class, but sometimes they have trouble thinking of activities to write about.  For each of the choices below they only pick one to write about.  So they pick to write about either the fair or how they helped.

  -  The fair or an activity they helped
  -  Family surprise or birthday
  -  Fundraiser or a different family activity
  -  The beach or Christmas
  -  Family foods or a hot summer day
   -  “Beds of Dreaming” – What they are dreaming to become

Friday, April 19, 2013

News and Notes

The Van Clan exceeded four million words this week.  Great Work!  I told them that I would give them an extra recess if they reached five million words as a class before the end of the school year.  It's a tough goal, but if they all keep reading they can do it.  The class has really done a great job of silent reading lately and it is such a good practice that I hope they continue through the summer.

Also, our biographies are scheduled for next week.  Colton is scheduled for Monday morning and in the afternoon Owen, Savannah, and Emma will be presenting!

Finally, next week Thursday we will have a Mystery Guest!  I haven't given the students any more information than that yet.  I may try to add some hints or clues next week.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Special Activities

The last two days we have had a couple of special, fun activities.  Yesterday a group of four high schoolers came over to share their forensic performance.  The did several Twisted Fairy Tales, and it was quite entertaining.  They needed to practice because they are performing at State Forensics this weekend.

Today the whole IGEMS building has spent most of the day celebrating Earth Day.  There are many different presenters in the building and it has been quite cool so far.  The presenters are very informative and interesting so far.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Book Fair Reminder

The students created their wish list for the book fair today.  We went in for about 20 minutes to look around.  We will be going down to buy books on Thursday, April 18 at around 9:00 a.m.  You can send in money on Wednesday, Thursday, or come down on Thursday evening to buy books with your child.  The book fair is open on Thursday until 7:00 during Family Fun Night.

The book fair is not open on Friday!  If students forget to bring in their money it won't be open on Friday.

Buy One Get One Free!  Of course, don't forget the deal that comes along with the Spring book fair.  On the students wish list I have marked the buy one and the free one for them.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Biography Schedule

Click on the schedule to make it larger.

Here is the biography schedule for next week.  If you need to make changes pleas let me know as soon as you can.  I tried to have at least two students go during each time slot.  Finally, if your child needs help with a costume please let me know this week and not next.  Usually we can find something at school or from another classmate to help if needed.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Testing Next Week

Our language arts test and math test both line up next week.  The language arts test will be split up over three days.  We are going to try to do the writing portion first this time.  Hopefully, the students will be fresh on the writing portion.  That is usually the area with the most struggle.  We'll also read the story If You Made a Million while taking the test.

In math we will be finishing up Unit 5 - Story Problems on Tuesday.  We will do a test review on Monday and take the test on Tuesday.  As you have probably seen on the homework the last couple of weeks, the kids are facing some difficult two part story problems.  I think they'll be ready to go though!  Our next unit will be geometry.

Because of both of these tests we won't have a lot of homework next week.  We won't have new units and information to cover like usual.  There will probably be homework on Monday and that may be it for the week!  We will also not have a spelling test next week.  The testing just takes up too much time to do both in one week.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Upcoming Events

There are a few things coming up in April that I wanted to update everyone on.

Biographies and Sign Up
The student biographies aren't until April 22-26, but sign up for the presentation times are due by this Friday, April 12.  Your child should have brought home a sign up sheet for the biographies, but you can just send me an e-mail or note too.  The times are Monday-Friday each day.  There is a time slot from 8:15-8:45 and 2:30-3:00 each day.  The only time slot that has been filled up so far is Friday afternoon.

Benchmark Assessments
I will be giving the students their last set of Benchmark Assessment tests tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll be able to get everyone done in one day, but I may need to finish up one or two kids on Friday.  I will be in the building tomorrow doing the testing, but the students will have a sub.  The Benchmark Assessments test is the one where students read to me and then I ask them questions.  Their level is determined by a combination of their comprehension and fluency.

Book Fair
The Spring Book Fair is next week.  It will be from April 15-April 18.  This books fair is the buy one get one free opportunity.  Our class will go look at the books on Tuesday and then have an opportunity to buy books on Thursday.  If you would like to come in and view or purchase books with your child it will be open on Thursday evening also, which is the Family Fun night.  Here is the website for more information:  IGEMS Book Fair

Royal Bank
On Friday, April 12 we will have someone from Royal Bank come in and present to the third grade.  They do a fun activity each year about saving money.

Friday, April 5, 2013


We have two reasons to talk about a million!

The first is that Nicole reached one million words read this year!  She has reached IGEMS Millionaire Club, which is an incredible accomplishment for a third grader.  Congratulations Nicole!

The other reason we talk about a million is next weeks story is If You Made a Million.  I have included a couple of links below to help illustrate just how much a million really is.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Life Cycle of Plants

After Spring Break we began studying the life cycles of plants.  In the next couple of weeks we'll be doing a few fun experiments.  This week we planted several different kinds of sprouts which we'll eat early next week.  Below are a couple of things that I'd like students to bring in if they have a chance.  We don't need each student to have one though.

Coniferous Cones
Monday, April 8
We will be looking more closely at coniferous cones next week.  Any kind of cone will work and if there are three or four they can find that'd be great too.

Monday, April 15
I pushed back the investigation of flowers a little bit this year with the cold weather.  Hopefully, we'll get some warmer weather and some spring flowers by April 15.  We pull apart these flowers to see what parts are inside, so they obviously won't be coming home.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Today - Wednesday, April 3

The student report cards are going home tonight with the students.  I also included the last math test, which we took before spring break.  You may keep the report card and math test, but please return the report card envelop signed again.

Tomorrow - Thursday, April 4

The students have received all their Paws for our next reward, Inside Out Day!  Tomorrow students in my homeroom can wear their clothes inside out to school.  Shirts, sweatshirts, and pants will all work.  I have talked to the kids about how loose fitting pants like sweatpants and bigger shirts will make their day a little more comfortable.  Super job on earning all 22 paws for this reward!  We'll pick our next reward soon.

Friday, April 5

On Friday the whole school is doing a Pink Out!  This is sponsored by Student Council as a way to thank all those who were able to help donate money during the Penny War.  The Penny War was able to collect over $2,800!  That money goes toward cancer research.  That is awesome and I know many from our class were able to help as well.  Thanks.  

March Readers

Congratulations to the following students for turning in their March Reading Calendars: Savannah, Owen, Zach, Hailee, James, Hailey, Alyson, Jackie, Nicole, Montanna, Abby, Brynn, Emma, and Mariah! Great Job! March was the last month that students receive a Book It! pizza coupon. For the April and May calendar the students will still earn an extra recess though.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Family Night Out

There is another Family Night Out coming up for kindergarten through fifth graders. It is on Thursday, April 18 from 5:30-7:45. The event is free and the forms are being sent home tonight and need to be returned by April 9.

Scholastic Book Finder