Friday, March 1, 2013

Thank You

I would like to send a sincere thank you to all the parents for their help with the Harriet Tubman project and the play.  The projects that the kids brought in for the Harriet Tubman assignment are excellent!  Also, everyone in class turned in their assignments on time, which I think is a great complement to the children and the parents.  As I type this, there are second graders walking by literally oohing and awing about the projects.  I will post some pictures of the projects next week.

Also, thank you for the time that was spent preparing for the play.  The kids did a great job and the props and set up we had were outstanding.  The number of people who were able to attend was outstanding and I had notes from a few others who wanted to come but weren't able.  For those who want to see the play for the first time (or a second time) I recorded it and will work on getting it posted to the web this weekend.  I put it on my new phone so it may take a little playing before I get it up.

We'll have one more big home project after spring break.  The biography assignment will be sent out right before we go on break.  The students will read about a famous person and present as if they were that person.  The students and their families did such a good job with this first project that I am really looking forward to those too.

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