Thursday, March 21, 2013


  • The Hawaiian Hula is tonight (Thursday) at IGEMS from 6-8.  Admission is free!  You can wear your Hawaiian clothes if you can brave the cold to make it inside.
  • The Penny War only has one more day!  Friday is the last day to bring in money.  The money goes toward Relay for Life.
  • Our Spring Party is this afternoon.  Most years our game committee gets an easy job and we go outside and enjoy Spring.  The year the committee got to decide between creating inside games or sledding:(
  • Friday is a half day.  If your child is going someplace different than usual please send a letter in the morning.
  • Harriet Tubman projects can go home any time this week.  Unless they are huge we are going to send them home on the bus with each child on Friday!
  • Tomorrow is the end of the third quarter.  The time is flying by.  The kids report cards will be sent out after break.
  • Your child should have a sheet with the sign up to watch their biographies at the end of April.  They aren't due until April 12, but a few people knew their schedules and sent them in right away.
  • The March Reading Calendars will be due on the first day back from Spring Break.
  • Last year on this day is 80 degrees!

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