Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Important Dates

Here are a couple of important dates coming up:

  • We have our Unit 4 math test today.  This one is on addition and subtraction.  We did the practice test yesterday and I think the kids are ready!  There won't be any homework tonight.
  • Our Spring Party will be on Thursday, March 21 in the afternoon.  Our committee members are Hailee, Zach, Owen, and Savannah.  Hailee and Zach are in charge of the games while Owen and Savannah will bring in treats.
  • Friday, March 22 is a half day.  It is also the end of the third quarter.  The report cards won't be sent home until after spring break.
  • March 23-31 is spring break.  Unless you forgot.
  • The last day of school will be on Thursday, June 6.  That is as long as we don't have any more snow days!

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