Monday, January 7, 2013

Social Studies

For the next week we are going to do a short unit on Antarctica.  This unit will just touch on several of the features of the frozen continent.  I have several YouTube videos that are located on the Educational Videos page of the blog that we'll check out too.  It is more impressive to see the video showing the vastness than to talk about it.

Starting next week we will be doing something new in third grade.  Each class will study a different country with a different teacher.  The students will rotate to each teacher to learn about the different countries.  Each unit will last one week, so the students will be with the same teacher for a week then switch.  My country is China, Mrs. Frey's is Australia, and Mrs. Moen's is Denmark.  I think it'll be a cool way to explore new areas of the world and be able to work with different third grade teachers.

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