Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Couple of Notes Today

We had our extra reading recess today and had an excellent turn out.  I was impressed with how many students turned in their calendars.  A couple said theirs were done and they are going to turn theirs in tomorrow so I'll send home Pizza Hut Pizza Coupons tomorrow.

I sent home some extra multiplication work with the students.  It's not homework and they do not need to return it.  I made a copying mistake and offered to send it home if they wanted.  ALL the students volunteered to take it for practice.  What an awesome attitude to start 2013.

Calendar notes (again):  Our Christmas/PJ party will be this Friday, January 4.  The talent show will be on Monday, January 7.

Finally, we won't have spelling this week with the short week.  We'll continue spelling as normal next week.

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