Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Language Arts

  • First of all, the kids did a great job presenting their talent's for our Talent Shows.  We didn't spend too much time preparing again after break, but they certainly knew what to do.  I was equally impressed with the way they listened to the other classes present their talents too.  Outstanding job third graders!
  • The talent show presentations took longer than expected so we didn't do our spelling pretest until today (Tuesday).  Those tests are coming home tonight.
  • Wednesday I will be sending home the reading assignment for Ramona Forever.  This story is longer than most of our stories so I did not include any additional homework.  It will just be the reading assignment.  Since it is longer, it would also be a good story to take turns reading.
  • Also, on Wednesday we will also be taking our second set of Benchmark Assessment tests.  These are the tests where students read to me individually.  I will have a sub for tomorrow, however I will still be in the building and listening to each child read.  It's one of the best chances of the year to listen to students read and be able to ask them questions about what they read.

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