Friday, November 30, 2012

Little Grunt and Notes

Little Grunt Play  -  The students did a great job on the play today.  They were very well prepared and read their lines loudly and clearly.  Great job third graders!  I am proud of your work!

Christmas Store  -  Just a reminder that we will be going to the Christmas Store on Tuesday, December 4th.  Students need to bring in $0.25 or $0.50 before then to buy a gift for a parent/guardian.

November Reading Calendars  -  The November reading calendars are due on Monday, December 3rd. Don't forget to bring them in completed and signed.  The December calendars will go home tonight so the students can work on them starting Saturday.

Weekend Game  -  This is a good one, and kind of a classic look that goes back to my childhood.  It's meteor multiplication, and it fits our class for two reasons.  First we having been talking a bit about meteoroids and meteorites in our science unit, and we are still working on multiplication in math.  We have about two more weeks of multiplication before going on to our next unit, which is measurement.

Meteor Multiplication

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