Monday, November 12, 2012

Language Arts Schedule

Our schedule gets a little crazy the next few weeks as we have WKCEs, a short week for Thanksgiving and a play.  In math we basically just keep plugging along and try to get as far as we can each day; however, language arts takes a little more planning.

Here is the schedule for the next three weeks of language arts:

November 12-16 - WKCEs and Read Little Grunt and the Big Egg
  - No spelling this week because of testing
  - WKCEs for language arts on Monday-Wednesday
  - We'll read the story the rest of the week
  - The students will also write the paper for their Star of the Week sheet.  It lists lots of their favorites and what they want to do when they grow up

November 19-21 - Unit 2 Test
  - Short week for Thanksgiving
  - No spelling again because of the short week and unit test
  - We'll break the Unit 2 test up into all three days  -  a little each day
  - We will continue with Little Grunt and begin picking out the characters for the play
  - We will also read about Sue, the T-Rex

November 26-30 - Little Grunt Play
  - Spelling pretest and post-test will be this week with the play
  - We'll work on the play for most of the week
  - The students will present the play on Friday, November 30 at 9:30 in Room 100
  - Parents and family members are invited to come and watch.  We will be done by 10:00

Little Grunt and the Big Egg Play
November 30, 2012
9:30 a.m.
Room 100
The Family is Invited!

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