Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Christmas Notes

It always seems so early to send out the holiday letter, but I like to get it out before Black Friday (or is it Black Thursday now).  I am sending the same information below home tonight too.  

Christmas Store

When:  December 3-7 (Date to be Determined)
How Much:  $0.50 or $1.00
What:  Students are able to buy up to two gifts at the store for $0.50 each.  It gives students the opportunity to buy gifts for their parents or guardians on their own.  Volunteers wrap the gifts and prepare them to take home.

Gift Exchange

When:  December 20th
How Much:  $5
What:  Each child will bring a gift for another student.  If your child is a girl they should bring a gift for a girl and if they are a boy they should buy a gift for a boy.  We will draw numbers randomly to decide who gets each gift.

Holiday Supper

When:  We’ll go food shopping on December 19th or 20th (depending on weather)
How Much:  Your Choice
What:  I know students look forward to giving gifts to teachers, but please donate money to this cause instead of giving me a Christmas gift.  Our class will donate a holiday supper to a family who otherwise may not have one.  As a class, the students will plan the menu and prepare a shopping list.  One or two days before our Christmas break, four students (with parental permission) will go with me to a local grocery store to purchase the groceries with our class donations.  The family will be someone who lives in the Iowa-Grant school district, however, neither the students nor I will know who the family is.  Mrs. Belken will deliver the food to the family without us knowing who the family is.

Party Committee

When:  December 20th 
Who:  Abby, Montanna, Nicole, Jackie, and Alyson
What:  These committee members will bring drinks and treats or plan games and activities for our Christmas party.  We won't start planning until December though.

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