Monday, September 24, 2012


There are several updates and reminders I wanted to share on Monday.

RTI - We began RTI, or Response to Intervention, on Monday.  This is a federal program where we take a thirty minute block to work on areas of need.  Your child may stay with me during this time or go to one of the other third grade teachers.  The groups will switch periodically throughout the year.  Mr. Whitford sent home a letter about RTI last week.

Parent/Teacher Fundraiser - The date to turn in money and order forms for the fund raiser is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 25.  Thanks to all those who were able to help out.

Half Day - Our first early release is coming up this Wednesday, September 26.  The buses leave IGEMS at 12:30.  If your child is going somewhere different please send a note in the morning.  As you may know, the afternoon of the early releases are training times for the teachers.  We will have more training with our new math series this inservice.

New Math Homework - Speaking of new math series, I will be sending home another sheet for multiplication practice tonight.  The kids have had practice with it already and we'll practice it again today.  I have been trying to spend lots of time with the students so they are secure in how to do the new homework, but feel free to write me a note, e-mail, or call if you are confused.

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