Friday, September 28, 2012

News and Notes

Reading Calendars are due on Monday, October 1!  
We will have our extra reading recess on Monday too so don't forget!  I wanted to leave this on the top of the blog as a reminder for the weekend.

Other Notes:

  • On Monday we'll also be taking our MAPs (Measures of Academic Progress) test for language arts.  The kids sometimes get confused because we are studying map skills in social studies, but the MAPs test is just an acronym.  On Oct. 1 we will do the language arts portion and on Oct. 3 we'll do the math portion.  Students usually get done in under an hour and the test is taken on the computer.
  • I added a page at the top of the blog called Weekly Classroom Links.  This is a page that will change often but will give students a quick place to access the links we are using for that class period.  We will use the Internet during iPad time and/or computer time.
  • The parade next week will actually begin at 2:30 and not 2:00 as it says on the master calendar.  If you are going to take your child home after the parade please send a note in the morning.  It can be kind of a crazy day.  Thanks.
  • Finally, I had a plan to send links to interesting articles for parents this year (Don't worry, there won't be any quizzes:)  I have been sending out so many posts that I wasn't sure when I would start sending them out.  For now, I am adding it to the update page.  Here's the first article:  Your Third Grader's Brain

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Almost The Weekend Games

Mega Math are games that go along with our new math series, Math Expressions.  I have linked several games below that fit the multiplication and division lessons we have been learning.

Mega Math
Country Critters - 2s and 5s
Country Critters - Grouping

Also, most of the games I have been linking are Flash games, which won't work on iPads.  If you have an iPad and would like to still try these games you can download the app called Rover.  This is a web browser that will allow you to play flash games.

iPad Link

I am going to try to include iPads into our guided reading time two days a week (hopefully Thurs. and Fri.).  We have 10 iPads for checkout in the IGEMS so it will depend on whether other classes are using them.  Since we don't have enough iPads for each student to use individually we will split them up over two days.  Below is the link to the comprehension game they will work on with the iPad this week.  Some weeks they'll use the Internet and others they will use apps to work on different reading and/or writing skills.

Allie's Basketball Games - Millionaire Comprehension

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happy Half Day

What a beautiful day for the kids to be able to get a half day off.  I hope they are able to get out and enjoy the weather.

I have a few different Schoolhouse Rock Videos to share that go along with what we are learning in math and language arts.  So far we have only watched the multiplication fives video in class.  We will watch Mr. Morton on Thursday.

When we watch Mr. Morton the students will get in groups of 3 or 4.  They will watch the video and then as a group have to determine what the meaning of a subject and predicate is.  That way they are using the video to learn while they are being entertained.

Finally, I know on the video page that some of the Schoolhouse Rock videos aren't working.  I am working on updating those.  The videos above have all been updated and have current links.

Monday, September 24, 2012


There are several updates and reminders I wanted to share on Monday.

RTI - We began RTI, or Response to Intervention, on Monday.  This is a federal program where we take a thirty minute block to work on areas of need.  Your child may stay with me during this time or go to one of the other third grade teachers.  The groups will switch periodically throughout the year.  Mr. Whitford sent home a letter about RTI last week.

Parent/Teacher Fundraiser - The date to turn in money and order forms for the fund raiser is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 25.  Thanks to all those who were able to help out.

Half Day - Our first early release is coming up this Wednesday, September 26.  The buses leave IGEMS at 12:30.  If your child is going somewhere different please send a note in the morning.  As you may know, the afternoon of the early releases are training times for the teachers.  We will have more training with our new math series this inservice.

New Math Homework - Speaking of new math series, I will be sending home another sheet for multiplication practice tonight.  The kids have had practice with it already and we'll practice it again today.  I have been trying to spend lots of time with the students so they are secure in how to do the new homework, but feel free to write me a note, e-mail, or call if you are confused.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Weekend Multiplication Games

Below are several new games for the weekend.  They are all multiplication games and each of the games below allow the students to pick which number they'd like to work on.  This is perfect as we are learning multiplication one set of numbers at a time.  This can allow the kids to get extra math practice while doing a game.  It would be best to have them work on the 2s, 5s, and 10s (coming up today).  Also, make sure that your child continues to do the count by, mixed-up multiplication, and mixed-up division quizzes.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Extra Recess

I was out of the room all day doing the Benchmark Assessments, but had a couple of quick notes I wanted to pass along to the parents and students.

1.  Our sub thought the class behaved so well that she gave them an extra 5 minutes of recess today!  Wow! My memory isn't always perfect, but I don't remember having a class get an extra recess from a sub.  Great work Van Clan!  I am very proud of you!

2.  On another positive note, the students effort on the Benchmark Assessments was great.  Seeing them put forth their best effort was encouraging to see.

So it was a great day for my third grade class and I wanted to share.  Lets do it again tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Benchmark Assessment

Tomorrow we will work on the Benchmark Assessments in third grade.  I will have a sub while I administer the test.  Each child comes to read individually with me and will read several books to determine their reading level.  After reading the short book I will ask them several questions to see how well they understand the story.

It is a great opportunity for me to listen to each child read and be able to identify areas I need to help each child.  From there I will use our guided reading to work with small groups of students who have similar needs.  For example, I may take a group of three or four children who need help decoding words one day and another group who needs help with comprehension the next.

Reading Homework Tonight

Tonight's reading selection, Nate the Great, San Francisco Detective is quite long.  On the reading sheets students have the option of how they want to read the book, and tonight may be a good time to take turns reading.  It is good to have students listen to adults read sometimes too, as they can learn about pacing and fluency by listening.

Our language arts homework will usually be sent home every Wednesday.  Once in a while it will get rearranged depending on what we are doing in math, but I like to have the students get some math homework and some language arts.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

iPad Activity

Today the students are going to be introduced to using the iPads in class.  We have 10 iPads for checkout in IGEMS.  I'm not sure how often I'll get to check them out, but I'd like to eventually have the students use them independently during our guided reading time.  Today I am going to have them bookmark our blog on the iPad and then click on the links below to see an example of the activities they can do.

These activities do not have to be played on just the iPad either.  They can be played on a laptop or desktop too.

Officer Buckle Vocabulary
Nate The Great - Millionaire Comprehension

Monday, September 17, 2012


The calendar has been updated at the right of the blog.  I added a few things we are doing in the classroom and some of the things students are doing outside of school too.

  • Benchmark Assessment - We will be doing these on Thursday of this week.  I will be in the school listening to students read, but will have a sub.  I'll have more information on this later in the week.
  • Punt, Pass, & Kick - A form is going home tonight if you'd like your child to participate.  It is on Sat., Sept. 22 at 3:00 p.m. at the Iowa-Grant football field.  Below is what you'll need to participate:
    • Tennis shoes (no cleats)
    • Signed waiver form (sent home tonight)
    • Proof of age if child wins division (birth certificate)
    • Questions:  Contact Mike Peat at 623-2048
  • Parent/Teacher Fundraiser  - Due date to return forms is on Sept. 25 and Green and Gold Experience is Oct. 12.
  • Girl Scouts - There are several girls signed up for girl scouts in our room.  In general, they stay after school every other Monday starting tonight.  
Finally, in case you are wondering, I don't put student birthdays on the blog or the blog calendar.  This is to protect the students personal information.  We do recognize them in the classroom though.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Parent/Teacher Fund Raiser

The Parent/Teacher Fund Raiser is coming home tonight.  I believe they are using the same company that they used last year, Cherrydale Farms.  Parent/Teacher Club has done a great deal to help out the school throughout the years so if you and your child can help that is great.

Here are some important dates for the fund raiser:
Tuesday, September 25 - Turn in Your Orders
Friday, October 12 - Green and Gold Experience!!!
Tuesday, October 23 - Delivery Day (at Parent/Teacher Meetings)

Parent/Teacher Club also now has an online clothing shop now.  You can customize your own Panthers gear and until October 31, 2012 they have a $10 coupon for shopping online!
Locker # dc642
Click Here to Go In:  Panther Shop
$10 Promo or Coupon Code:  F12ML

Weekend Game

The story the students read this week was Pepita Talks Twice.  On Monday they will take a Reading Counts on that story.  As a class we started a Pepita Talks Twice game of Jeopardy, but didn't get close to getting done.  Below is the Jeopardy Game we started.

The game has also been added to our Educational Games link at the top of the page.

Pepita Talks Twice Jeopardy

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Home Signature Sheets

Our new math series (Math Expressions) is also going to have some different math homework too.  Tonight I will be sending home a pink homework sheet that is intended to help students work on their multiplication facts.  On the other side is a signature sheet or log to keep track of.  Please keep the signature sheet in your child's take home folder.  This will allow me to see if they are signing and make sure they know what to do in the new series.

We will be spending most of the class period working on this new multiplication practice, so the students should know what to do tonight as well.  The students should do the Count-By 5s and Mixed Up Multiplication 5s tonight for their homework.  If they are able to do either of those with no mistakes you will sign or initial the signature sheet.  If they make a mistake, leave a small mark so the students can look it over.  They will be able to retake the section again the next day.  For each number and section (Count-bys, Mixed Up Multiplication, and Mixed Up Division) the students will need to pass twice.

There is also a family letter that is coming home tonight that will help explain this new home work.  If you have any questions let me know ( or 943.6313 ext. 1048) and I'll try to help.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Language Arts Homework

Sorry I didn't get this out sooner.  I told the students I'd leave a note on the blog that their parents could check if they needed.

The students have a reading homework assignment for tonight.  They are to read our language arts story, Pepita Talks Twice.  They can read it silently, aloud, in a partnership, or have it read to them.  Please mark how the child reads it and sign the sheet of paper.  There is not another way for me to know if they read.  As you will see, the new math series also has items which involve having parent signatures.

Also, the story that they read at home they can also use as their 15 minutes of reading for their September reading calendar as well.

Have a great evening!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Spelling Begins

We started our spelling this morning with a pretest.  We will do spelling almost every week with a pretest at the beginning of the week and a post test at the end.  The student's correct their own pretest right after taking the test, I double check their work, and we send it home on Monday.  We'll have a bonus word each Friday on the post test, which they won't be able to practice for.  The bonus word will only help and can't hurt them.  Most of the time I try to find words that go along with the letter combinations they are learning, although sometimes it's an unrelated word that I want them to know (like how to spell the teacher's name).

Also, school pictures are in and will be sent home tonight!

Friday, September 7, 2012

More Information and Games

At the beginning of the year there seems to be lots of bits of information to share.  Today I have more bits and pieces of information that are pretty random.
  • First, this week I am sending home a paper copy with everyone.  If you don't have Internet I'll continue to print the blog on Friday to send home.  If you have Internet you can either go to the blog address or sign-up to have new posts sent to your e-mail.
  • I am also sending home a letter today explaining some of the things that are done in the classroom and the school for behavior.  I think it's pretty basic, but wanted to make sure it made sense to everyone.
  • Students can bring in snacks to eat at our 2:00 milk time.  Please try to find healthy choices or at least healthier choices.  We don't want the students eating junk food at snack break.
  • Finally, the weekend game.  I try to post a weekend game each week, but most of the games can already be found on Educational Games page.  I always try to find games that are educational and have no advertisements or at least limited.  Here it is:   Math Lines

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Entering IGEMS

When you come into the IGEMS building this year the only doors that are unlocked remain the front doors with the White Iowa-Grant Panthers sign above it.  Unlike previous years though, the second set of doors are lock.  After entering the first set of doors turn right and go through the office doors to gain access to the building.  All guests need to enter through the office and sign in.  This is a safety precaution as well as a way to keep track of who is in the building.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day Updates

The first day has started off great!  The students have listened very well as we went through the classroom rules and structure.  There is a lot of information for them to take in on the first day.

Here are a few notes for the beginning of the year:

Math Expressions

  • We have a new math series this year called Math Expressions.
  • The main focus for the first few months is multiplication and division.
  • They teach the two together since they are so closely tied.
  • Wednesday and Thursday the students will be taking a pretest for the math series.  This will help me see what areas each student is confident in and where they may need assistance.  The test is not graded.
  • Friday we will begin lesson one of the math series.
  • Because of the pretest we won't have any homework this week, but will get started with math and language arts homework next week.
Gym and Computers
  • We will only have gym on days A, C, and E this year.
  • On days D and F we will have computers at the same time as our gym time.  
  • Day B will be a time that we will do an activity in the classroom.  It will usually be a chance to put in extra work on an area of need.  Tomorrow it will be a chance to pick out silent reading books from our library.
Reading Calendars
  • I will be sending home reading calendars tonight as well.
  • The students are responsible for the calendar starting today (Sept. 4) until the end of the year.
  • They should read for 15 minutes each night, but get 4 skip days whenever they would like to return them.
  • If they return their calendar finished, signed, and on time they receive an extra 30 minute reading recess on Monday, October 1st.
  • When Pizza Hut's Book-It starts in October they will also receive the personal pan pizza for returning their reading calendar.

Scholastic Book Finder