Wednesday, February 15, 2012


- We have some super artists in our room! Luke is the Artist of the Month at IGEMS, and Ryan is having his artwork displayed at Hilldale Mall from Feb. 19-26. Congratulations to you two.

- Don't forget that the Harriet Tubman home project is due on Monday, February 20. Each student will explain their project to the class.

- Next week (Feb. 20-24) will be our last week of the Harriet Tubman project.

- The deadline for the Six Flags Read to Succeed program is coming up on Friday, February 24. Students turn in their completed form to me.

- We are getting to the end of our math unit about geometry too. We have a unit test and a Mid-Year Assessment test that goes with it. We will take the Mid-Year Assessment test on Friday and finish out the geometry unit early next week.

- Finally, a way down the road note. Our field trip to Folklore Village is planned for Tuesday, June 5. There will be more information about that as we get closer.

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