Tuesday, November 1, 2011

WKCE Testing

Next week, November 7-11, we will be taking the WKCE (Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examination). I sent home some information about the testing tonight. Third grade is the first year they take this test. The students will take a language arts portion and a math portion of the test.

The students take the test in the classroom and I'll have a schedule listed below. Please make sure the kids are well rested and here if possible. We'll follow our usual schedule and have one language arts test in morning and one math test in the afternoon.

Since we will be testing next week there will be a few changes to the usual schedule. First, in language arts we won't have spelling or guided reading. We'll resume spelling tests on Monday, November 14. Also, in math we won't finish many, if any lessons during WKCE testing. Since they are testing and there is a limited amount of new curriculum there won't be homework next week either. It's also a nice reward for the students in exchange for giving their best effort on the tests.

Here is the tentative schedule:
Monday, Nov. 8 - Language Arts Testing (8:30-9:10) - Practice Test
- Math Testing (1:00-1:30) - Practice Test
Tuesday, Nov. 9 - Language Arts Session 1 (8:30-9:10)
- Math Testing Session 1 (1:00-1:25)
Wednesday, Nov. 10 - Language Arts Session 2 (8:30-9:10)
- Math Testing Session 2 (1:00-1:30)
Thursday, Nov. 11 - Language Arts Session 3 (8:30-9:10)
- Math Testing Session 2 (1:00-1:30)

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