Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Just a few updates before the Thanksgiving break.

EARLY RELEASE - Don't forget that tomorrow is an early release day. Students will dismiss at 12:30.

Little Grunt Play - Remember our Play is tomorrow. One group will present at 8:30 and the other at 9:15. Several students have asked about costumes. They don't really need costumes although if they can wear earthy colors like greens and browns it would go better. Packer green won't work though. :)

Here are the groups again:

Math - We will really get into Lesson 4 of math after break. As I have mentioned, this is the first unit of multiplication. We just finished Lesson 3 and reviewed the test on Monday. I will be posting a couple of Schoolhouse Rocks videos and several multiplication games for the long weekend.

Reading Calendar - Don't forget that reading calendars will be due next week on Thursday, December 1st. Students will earn an extra reading recess and Pizza Hut personal pan pizza again.

Food Drive - The food drive will be going on until December 7. Our class has gotten off to a great start and filled a shopping cart already! If you haven't sent in your food yet there is still time.

Cheerleading Camp - A letter is being sent home about a cheer camp coming up on December 1st. The due date to turn in the forms is Tuesday, November 29. A short turn around time, especially with break.

Finally - Go Lions!

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