Monday, November 14, 2011

Update for the Week

- We are done with WKCE testing and are back to a much more normal schedule this week. We resumed our spelling this morning with a pretest, and the students will have math homework again tonight.

- One thing that is changing is cursive. Instead of cursive this week we are going to be reading our Mayflower stories that go along with social studies. I want to make sure we get that story finished before Thanksgiving break.

- We will also be making our sparkling cornucopias this week, a third grade tradition! They have been making them for many years, and it is possible that even a parent or two who went to Iowa-Grant could have made one!

- Finally, next week we will be doing a play that goes along with our reading story, Little Grunt and the Big Egg. Since we have a large class this year I am planning on having the play done twice with two separate groups so everyone can be involved. The play lasts about 15-20 minutes. We have a group of younger students come watch, and parents are welcome to come visit if their schedule allows. The play will be on Wednesday, November 23, and I'll get specific times out later this week.

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