Tuesday, September 6, 2011


In third grade we do homework most nights, but there are a few exceptions. I try to print all the home work assignments in the same color so they are easy for the students and parents to identify. This year the homework color is light purple.

First, there won't be homework on Fridays. Sometimes I'll send out optional homework on Friday though. The students will be able to sign up for a prize on those days.

On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday we will do our math homework or "Home Links". These are to be done and turned in the next day. There are answers sent home as well with the parent letter. Home Links shouldn't take more than 15-20 minutes to finish. If a lesson takes more than one day to finish they may also not have homework on that day.

On Wednesdays the students have a language arts assignment which usually consists of reading the weeks story and one other task such as a vocabulary worksheet or answering questions with the story. Since I can't see them read there is a short form for you to sign. Students can read the story aloud, silently, or partner read with a parent. They may also use the time reading for their 15 minutes on their reading calendar.

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