Friday, September 9, 2011

Courtney and Snacks

Courtney's mom, Lauri, came into class yesterday to share information about Courtney. Last year she was diagnosed with diabetes, and Lauri did a very nice job of sharing with the kids what diabetes is. As many of you know, this weekend Courtney will be in a Walk to Cure Diabetes in Madison. To learn more about Courtney as well as make a donation if you'd like go to this website: Courtney's Page.

One thing that the class can do to help is bring in healthy snacks. This is in the Iowa-Grant welness plan too. We are supposed to have healthy snacks when we eat at school. Here is a website with some healthy snack ideas: Healthy Snacks. If you are planning on bringing in treats and would like to ask Courtney's mom you can e-mail her at

Thank You

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