Friday, September 30, 2011

Reading Calendars Due Monday

I wanted to leave a reminder on the blog that the September Reading Calendars are due on Monday, October 3. Don't forget to have them signed by a parent also. I have told the students several times, but if they forget their calendar they can not call home to try to get it delivered.

Today I will send out the October Calendar also. For this month the students will earn an extra recess and also a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Homecoming Parade

The homecoming parade is tomorrow at 2:30! We go watch it every year as a class, but aren't in the parade. If your child is going to be in the parade or you are coming to watch the parade then taking them home with you please send a note with your child in the morning.

The homecoming parade is a crazy day to keep track of the children for teachers and the office. If we have notes ahead of time it makes it easier for me to know who's coming and going.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Testing Week!

We have several tests that are lining up this week.

Language Arts: We had our spelling pretest today, and will take the post test on Friday as usual. On Wednesday the students will also be taking their Benchmark Assessment tests. This is where they read to me and I ask them questions to establish a reading level for them. Each test takes about 15 minutes for each student.

Math: We'll have our Unit 1 math test on Wednesday of this week. The first unit reviews a lot of math skills they learned in 2nd grade.

Social Studies: On Friday we'll take a continents and oceans quiz. We'll spend the week reviewing the continents and oceans before taking the test.

Subject and Predicate

This morning in language arts we'll have our first Schoolhouse Rock video! It's one of my favorites too, Mr. Morton. For grammar we are studying subject and predicate this week.

The students will get into small groups, watch the video, then explain what subject and predicate is after watching Mr. Morton.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Weekend Game

In math this week we were reviewing money. Below is a game that deals with money.

Bus Driver's Math

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Every Wednesday in math we check the sunrise and sunset in our region. We record the sunrise/sunset and also figure out how much daylight we have on that particular day. Calculating the amount of sunlight in a day can be tricky! We graph it on a chart in class. The students will also graph it themselves later this year.

In a couple of weeks we'll also check the high and low temperatures in the continental United States on Wednesday. We'll find the difference between the high and low each week too. This is especially good practice when the lows get in the negatives (something positive about negative temperatures).

Nate the Great

This week we are reading Nate the Great: San Francisco Detective in language arts. As usual, the students will have their Wednesday reading homework tonight. I had them make one change however. Since the story is rather long we read the first half of the story in class and they are responsible for reading pages 82-94 at home. They made the change on their homework assignment as well.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Weekend Game

Name that number is a game we just started playing in our Everyday Math Series. It may ask you to update your Adobe Shockwave player before it works.

Name That Number

PTC Fund Raiser

The Parent/Teacher Club is starting off their Fund Raiser today. They are an active organization who donates lots of time and equipment to Iowa-Grant. The youngest child in your family will be bringing home a packet.

Here are the important dates:
Friday, Sept. 16 - Sales Begin
Tuesday, Sept. 27 - Order Deadline
Thursday, Oct. 20 - Delivery
Thursday, Oct. 27 - Green and Gold Experience (Party for kids)

There are prizes and awards for students as they reach certain sales, but every kid gets to take part in the Green and Gold Experience. They do not need to make any sales to participate on that day.

Here is their website to see more:

Thursday, September 15, 2011


There are just a few updates and changes I wanted everyone to be aware of.

The calendar has been updated.
- Homecoming is on Sept. 30 and I assume we'll have a parade at the school again.
- There will be a book fair from Oct. 19-25 at IGEMS. This is the same time as parent/teacher conferences.

I have also added a couple of helpful links on the right hand side.
- Healthy Snacks - I didn't want that post to scroll down the page and be hard to find. The healthy snacks link will now be left on the right hand side.
- IG Lunch Menu - The students mentioned to me that we didn't get lunch calendars for September so I left a link so students and parents could check easily.
- Scholastic Book Wizard - This is a place where students can check their books to see if they are reading at a book at their level.

Finally, a small change to posts being sent to your e-mail. I noticed that the posts I put up weren't being e-mailed until 3 or 4 in the morning. I finally found where to change that setting, so now those posts should come you your e-mail account between 3-5 p.m.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Punt, Pass, and Kick

Here is an activity available to third graders that I am passing on.

Who: Interested girls or boys, ages 6-15 by December 31st, are welcome to participate.

Where: Iowa-Grant High School football field.

When: Saturday, September 24, 2011 3:00pm RAIN or SHINE

What you need:
*Tennis shoes (NO cleats allowed)
*Signed waiver form. (Reverse side of this page)
*All participants must show proof of age if you win your division. This will need to be given by Monday of the following week for you to participate in the next event. (Birth certificate)
Questions: Contact Mike Peat at 623-2048
Please come early and support the IG Youth Football team during their games.
Games start at 11:30

Forms for students interested will be sent home.

Map Skills

In social studies we are starting the year with map skills. We talk about several things with maps including keys, cardinal directions, intermediate directions, map scale, latitude, and longitude.

These students may never use a map when they grow up as they will have a GPS cell phone, GPS watch, GPS car, and even a GPS collar for their dog; however, several of the skills are still needed to read a GPS as well. We do discuss how a GPS is kind of like a digital map and you still need to be able read a map when your GPS sends you astray.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Weekend Game

The weekend game is hangman, although it's more like a shrinking catapillar.


Courtney and Snacks

Courtney's mom, Lauri, came into class yesterday to share information about Courtney. Last year she was diagnosed with diabetes, and Lauri did a very nice job of sharing with the kids what diabetes is. As many of you know, this weekend Courtney will be in a Walk to Cure Diabetes in Madison. To learn more about Courtney as well as make a donation if you'd like go to this website: Courtney's Page.

One thing that the class can do to help is bring in healthy snacks. This is in the Iowa-Grant welness plan too. We are supposed to have healthy snacks when we eat at school. Here is a website with some healthy snack ideas: Healthy Snacks. If you are planning on bringing in treats and would like to ask Courtney's mom you can e-mail her at

Thank You

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Morning Meeting

At the beginning of each morning our class does a morning meeting. These are short activities that help kids interact and get to know their peers better. The activities are only 5-10 minutes long, but help create a friendly classroom environment. We will do different things each day such as sharing weekend highlights, shaking hands and saying good morning, or playing different team building games.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


In third grade we do homework most nights, but there are a few exceptions. I try to print all the home work assignments in the same color so they are easy for the students and parents to identify. This year the homework color is light purple.

First, there won't be homework on Fridays. Sometimes I'll send out optional homework on Friday though. The students will be able to sign up for a prize on those days.

On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday we will do our math homework or "Home Links". These are to be done and turned in the next day. There are answers sent home as well with the parent letter. Home Links shouldn't take more than 15-20 minutes to finish. If a lesson takes more than one day to finish they may also not have homework on that day.

On Wednesdays the students have a language arts assignment which usually consists of reading the weeks story and one other task such as a vocabulary worksheet or answering questions with the story. Since I can't see them read there is a short form for you to sign. Students can read the story aloud, silently, or partner read with a parent. They may also use the time reading for their 15 minutes on their reading calendar.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Weekend Game

Here is our first weekend game of the year! Most Fridays I will post an educational game that students can play if they would like. I will also keep a list of all the weekend games on the Games page. That page is located near the top of the blog under the button games. Also, I try to find sites that have games, but few or no advertisements on the page.

For the game Math Lines the goal is to add two balls up to ten to destroy them.
Math Lines

Reading Calendars

Yesterday I sent home a reading calendar with each student. We will do a reading calendar each month and the rules will stay the same throughout the year.

Here is an overview:
- Read 15 minutes or more each night.
- Have an adult (can be a grandparent or babysitter too) initial that they read that day.
- Four skips are allowed each month.
- Have a parent or guardian sign at the top of the page.
- Return on the first day of the month (Monday, October 3rd).
- If a student forgets their calendar they won't get the extra recess.
- Earn 30 minutes of extra recess.
- If the calendar is not returned the student will read during the extra recess.

Later in the year, the kids will also be able to recieve a free pizza at Pizza Hut through Book It. That program has not begun yet though, so this month they just earn an extra recess.

Good Luck!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Great First Day!

The students got through the first day very well and they were very well behaved! Unfortunately, I forget to bring my camera for a first day of pictures.

We got through all the rules and proceedures so tomorrow we'll able to get more into learning!

If you have any questions as the year goes on feel free to e-mail me at or call me at 943-6313 ext. 1048.

Scholastic Book Finder