Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekend Games and a Few Notes

There are a couple notes that are being sent home tonight that I wanted to make you aware of.
1. Penny Wars is next week. The student council runs it and the money goes to Relay for Life for cancer research. Students can bring in any coins and if we have the most money in the elementary we win a prize.
2. There is also a sign up for summer baseball and softball. The meeting is on Tuesday, March 23rd at 7:00 p.m. in the IGEMS cafeteria.

Finally, the weekend game. We began learning how to write a research paper this week as a class. The group decided to research St. Patrick's Day and we found lots of information about the holiday. You can ask the kids for some facts they learned about the holiday. Since we studied St. Patrick's Day, I put a game about it up.

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