Thursday, June 7, 2012

Have a Great Summer!

I hope everyone has a great, relaxing, and safe summer.  As I've told the students already, don't be a stranger next year.  Please stop in to say hi and tell me how your summer went.  I'll be in a new location (Mrs. Allen's old room), but I'll still be teaching third grade.

The students are probably bringing home several old books.  There were many in front of the library and some from my room that we were being shipped out.  The ones in my room were not reading counts books so students aren't interested in reading them.

Finally, the blog will remain up all summer so students can still access the games and videos.  Many students have asked about my personal blog, and they can check out my little's ones growth at

It was great being your third grade teacher!

Signing out,
Mr. Van Overmeer

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