Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Goal Met!


I had set a goal for the third graders at the beginning of the third trimester.  If they could read 8 million words as a class for the year I would give them an extra recess.  It was close all the way until the end, but this morning we exceeded that goal and the students earned their extra recess.  Great work Van Clan!

The whole school also met their goal of 250,000,000 words read!  What a great reading achievement!

Also, in the report cards tonight is a picture of each child with their word count for the year and a picture of them with approximately the number of words they read.  It would be very time consuming to try to get the exact book list of each child, so we just use books from the library and estimated.  It still gives them an idea of just how much they read this year.

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