Thursday, June 7, 2012

Have a Great Summer!

I hope everyone has a great, relaxing, and safe summer.  As I've told the students already, don't be a stranger next year.  Please stop in to say hi and tell me how your summer went.  I'll be in a new location (Mrs. Allen's old room), but I'll still be teaching third grade.

The students are probably bringing home several old books.  There were many in front of the library and some from my room that we were being shipped out.  The ones in my room were not reading counts books so students aren't interested in reading them.

Finally, the blog will remain up all summer so students can still access the games and videos.  Many students have asked about my personal blog, and they can check out my little's ones growth at

It was great being your third grade teacher!

Signing out,
Mr. Van Overmeer

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Report Cards and Dismissal

Lots of stuff is coming home tonight from the students desks and notes from the office.  I just wanted to remind everyone that report cards will also be in that stack.

Also, tomorrow the students dismiss at 12:00 instead of 12:30 like most early release days.

Goal Met!


I had set a goal for the third graders at the beginning of the third trimester.  If they could read 8 million words as a class for the year I would give them an extra recess.  It was close all the way until the end, but this morning we exceeded that goal and the students earned their extra recess.  Great work Van Clan!

The whole school also met their goal of 250,000,000 words read!  What a great reading achievement!

Also, in the report cards tonight is a picture of each child with their word count for the year and a picture of them with approximately the number of words they read.  It would be very time consuming to try to get the exact book list of each child, so we just use books from the library and estimated.  It still gives them an idea of just how much they read this year.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Next Three Days

The last three days of school are here. I wanted to make sure that students dressed right the last couple of days. On both Tuesday and Thursday we'll be doing a lot of running and moving with the field trip and last day activities. Students will want to wear comfortable shoes and clothes they can be active in.

In the past some students have wanted to dress a little nicer for the last day of school. We are suggesting that if they want to wear something nicer they do it on Wednesday, which is when we have our awards ceremony. Of course, they can just wear shorts and t-shirt if they'd like too.

Friday, June 1, 2012

May Reading Calendar

Congratulations to the following students for turning in the last reading calendar of the year! It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day for an extra recess.

Avery, Ryan, Luke, Josh, Jalen, Elly, Lauren, Colin, Olivia, Nic, Lindsaye, Courtney, Brie, Grace, Brynna, and Isaiah Z.

Scholastic Book Finder