Friday, December 2, 2011


- Don't forget no school on Monday, December 5. Teachers have an in-service and teacher work to day to get grades done.

- If your child is switching buses, not riding the bus, or staying after school for any reason they need a note. There has been some confusion in the office as to where kids are after school and as you can imagine that is very stressful for the secretaries and parents. You can write a note to send with the child or call in to the office.

- The students will have their Unit 2 language arts test next week. We won't have a new story next week because of this. We'll work on the test a little bit each day next week instead of doing it all in one big chunk.

- No spelling next week. Because we are taking a unit test we won't have spelling words next week. We'll review a few of the commonly missed spelling words from the unit however.

- We go to the Christmas Store on Thursday, December 8th.

- No Weekend Game. Sorry, but I overloaded last week. :) There are plenty of multiplication games to still choose from on the games page.

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