Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas List

Below is the list of Christmas items going on in class. It's a crazy time of year!

Christmas Concert
- The Christmas concert is on Thursday, December 15 at 7:00 p.m. Please drop your students off at our classroom between 6:30-6:45. The doors to the gym will be opened at 6:25 for families. After the concert is over please pick you students up at our classroom too. The third grade will be located in the lower left hand corner of the risers. A letter from the Mrs. Quam and the music department is coming home tonight with more information.

Christmas Dinner
- If you haven't donated money yet and would like to there is still time. We will put together a menu and draw names to see who goes shopping with me on Friday, Dec. 16. We will do the shopping on Tuesday, Dec. 20 as that is a day when Mrs. Belken can deliver the food. The food will go to a family in need in our school district. As I have mentioned before, please donate to this cause instead of getting me a gift. Thank you.

Christmas Party
- Our Christmas party will be in the morning this year since we have a half day. We will exchange gifts, have treats, and play a couple of games. The party committee has already met to plan the festivities. For the gift, there is a $5 limit and boys should buy a gift for boys and girls for another girl.

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