Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nov. 24 Update

I was home yesterday with a sick child so I haven't had a chance to make any updates. I'll try to add a couple things in the next couple of days before Thanksgiving.

Here are a few notes:
- We are taking our second unit test in Language Arts this week. The tests are kind of long so we split them up over several days.

- No spelling words this week since it is a short week and we are taking our language arts test.

- We will finish the story of the Mayflower this week as well. We are getting close to the end and if we have time we'll watch a video on life on the Plymoth Plantation.

- Today we are going to RIF (Reading Is Fun) and the kids will be able to pick out a free book thanks to many local merchants.

- We are also making our sparkling cornucopias this week, which is a third grade tradition (some parents may have even made them if they went to Iowa-Grant).

- We are also retaking our last Math test this week too. The kids had a difficult time with the test so we went over it last week and we'll try it again this week.

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