Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Parent Pictures

We will be beginning a unit in science next week on the life cycle. The first part discusses changes animals go through in their lifetime.

Our class will be doing an activity that requires them to observe changes, too… but they will be looking for ways you have changed through your life.

Please send a picture of one parent/caretaker from each of the following time periods with your child:
· Infant through 3 years old (or approximately)
· elementary age level
· teenage years
· adult

Enclose the pictures in a Zip-Loc bag or envelope with your child’s name on the bag. It is a good idea to write your name on the back of each picture too. Your pictures will not be harmed or within reach of curious fingers, etc.

Your child needs these pictures no later than Monday, October 26, please. You may send them ASAP, and I’ll hold on to them.

Thank you. The children’s work will be displayed by their coat hooks. I hope you have a chance to look at them the first couple of weeks of November!

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