Tuesday, October 6, 2009

MAPS Testing

The third grade will begin taking their MAPS (Measures of Academic Progress) testing today. This is the first time they have taken this kind of test. The students often get confused and think that the test is about maps when it's really a measure of Language Arts and Math.

Here's an overview:
- The test is taken twice a year. In the fall and in the spring.
- Third graders do two days of testing. One day is langauge arts and the other is math.
- Each day of testing takes around 45-60 minutes.
- The test is taken on the computer and each test is customized for the students.
- When a student gets an answer correct the next question is a little harder and when they answer incorrectly the questions become a little easier so the test measures their current level better.
- The test is designed for the students to miss approximately half the questions.
- The test results will come back within a week or two of all the kids finishing the test so I'll be able to show parents the results at parent/teacher conferences.

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