Saturday, June 1, 2013

Reading Calendars Due Monday!

The May Reading Calendars are due on Monday, June 3rd.  We will have our extra reading recess Monday afternoon.

A few other notes, since I didn't post much during the week.
  • We did a fondu fountain for my birthday treat.  It was fairly messy, but we survived.
  • The field trip was great and went without incident or bad weather.
  • When we got back to school though, we went straight into the boys bathroom because of the tornado warning.  The nearest interior room to us is the boys bathroom and we had just gotten in the room when the alarm went off.
  • Friday the students got their extra recess for getting to FIVE MILLION words!  That was a challenging goal, but they made it.

1 comment:

  1. This kind of videos will save our time, if needed please refer this link too


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