Thursday, May 16, 2013


Below is a schedule for the last few weeks.  I'm sure there will be more things added too.  The end of the year is always a crazy time.

Here's a little more information about some of the notes:

  • The Registration Packets for your child go home tonight!  Please return the paperwork as soon as you can.  Thank you.
  • This Friday, May 17 is the last day for students to check out books.  
  • On Monday, May 20 the students will run 10 minutes in gym.  Since they have met this goal Mrs. Frey and I are going to run the 10 minutes with them.
  • May 22 I will be gone in the morning.
  • May 24 the students will sew their pillows with the help of parents and grandparents.
  • May 27 - Memorial Day
  • May 30 - Folklore Village
  • Friday, May 31 the students will have their Hobby Fair.  I will send out information soon, but wanted to wait until after permission slips, pillow cloth, and registration packets were done.  The students will need to bring in their hobby stuff, but they will prepare what they are going to do in class.
  • We'll have our first third grade spelling bee on Monday, June 3.  Reading calendars are also due.
  • June 6 is the last day of school and dismissal is at 11:30 a.m.

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