Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Calendar Update

Feb. 20 - FFA Petting Zoo
March 1 - Harriet Tubman Projects Due
March 1 - Extra Reading Recess
March 1 - Crowded House Play - 8:30
March 10 - Time Change
March 17 - St. Patrick's Day
March 20 - Spring!
March 21 - Spring Party
March 22 – End 3rd Quarter
March 22 – Early Release
March 23-31 – Spring Break
April 1 – Return to School (No Joke)
April 1 - Begin 4th Quarter
May 1 – Early Release
May 27 – No School
May 30 - Field Trip
Last Day ???

I have updated the calendar through the end of the year.  There are still several things that will be added as we get closer.  Here is a rundown of some of the activities we are doing.
  • Feb. 20 -Tomorrow is the FFA Petting Zoo.  We are going in the afternoon and it is over at the high school.
  • March 1 - This ends up being a busy day.  We have our Harriet Tubman projects due, February Reading Calendars due, and we will present the play, The Crowded House, in the morning.  Parents will be invited to the play and if your child has a large Harriet Tubman project you can wait and bring it with you.
  • March 21 - Our spring party will be on Thursday since we only have a half day on Friday.  This is the last party of the year and the committee members are Hailee, Zach, Savannah, and Owen.
  • May 30 - Still Tentative - Our field trip to Folklore Village will probably be on Thursday, May 30.  It's not official yet, but I don't expect it to change.
  • Last Day  - We have built in snow days and we've had many missed days this year.  There's still the possibility for more too!  Once I find out I'll let you know.

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