Friday, October 19, 2012

Calendar of Events

I have a few things that I added to the calendar that are coming up in the next few weeks.  I also updated the calendar at the right of the page.

  1. Next Wednesday we'll have our first math test on multiplication and division.  This test will cover all the numbers we have worked on so far.  Only 6, 7, and 8 have not been studied yet.  Those will actually be the topic of our next unit.  We'll keep working on the problems and a few other things next week.
  2. A book fair reminder has been sent home already.  The book fair runs at the same time as parent/teacher conferences.  We will go in and preview the book fair next week.  If you would like to buy books you can do that during conferences or send in money with the child early next week.
  3. The WKCE testing window for third graders will be November 12-16.  We won't test on Monday; however we will show them a practice test before hand.  This is the first year that students take the WKCE and third grade only tests on Language Arts and Math.  Last year the test was broken up into three days with one section of language arts and math each day.  The test is not something they can study for, it is more general knowledge.
  4. Finally, don't forget we have a day of off school on October 26!

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