Tuesday, May 22, 2012


We are going to the book fair this afternoon to do a tour. The students will bring home a wish list tonight. You can either come buy books with them on (it is open until 6 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday) or send money back to have them buy the books. Remember it's buy one, get one free!

Also, I have noticed that my bookshelf is getting a little thin. I have asked students to check at home to see if they have any books from my library. All of the reading counts books from this room have a sticker with a handwritten red R on the bottom of the spine. That should be a quick and easy way for the kids to double check to see if they have any books to return.

Finally, if you have any old books your child has outgrown, and you want to get rid of I'd love to add them to the library. Paperbacks only last so long and I'm always looking to build my classroom library. Of course if you have younger kids still coming up or relatives to give them too that is great too. Thanks.

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