Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Your child will be presenting a biography to the class.

He/she will be expected to:
- Read the biography (this can be done during the 15 minute calendar homework reading). Take notes while reading it.
- Write a summary based on the book (not information found on the Internet).
- The summary should be written in the first person, as if the student IS that person.
- Practice reading the summary aloud (voice inflections are marvelous!)
- Dress up as the person they’re reading about and present the summary in class. (Remember, the student is reading their summary as if they are that person.)

This is an independent “at home” activity. You may guide your child through the process, but the student should complete the majority of the work. Students should jot down important ideas they want to share with the class as they are reading. These notes will help them to write the book summary once they are finished reading the book. I have attached an index card for your child to use for the summary to be turned in. The presentation may be typed too, but please keep it the size of the index card. Otherwise students have a tendency to cover their face with the paper when presenting.

Students will receive two grades:
1. Summary—accuracy of information, written in the first person (ex. “My name is Johnny Appleseed.”), written with proper punctuation, capitals, complete sentences, etc. and overall neatness.
2. Presentation—student is prepared, expression is used when speaking, is interesting to listen to, speaks in a loud and clear voice, does not cover his/her face with summary card while speaking, dressed in an appropriate costume. Does the student look like his/she is having fun?

Students will find it helpful to practice presenting their biography often in front of an audience (parents, sister, brother, grandparent, etc.) This presentation is meant to be FUN, not stressful. Practice at home will help to relieve the “jitters”.

If you have any questions about this project, please let me know. Every few days ask your child how their biography is coming along. They will probably be asking for your help finding a costume and practicing. Thank you in advance for your help!

In the letter home there will be a sign up sheet so you or another relative can come watch your child's biography presentations which are the week of April 23-27.

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