Thursday, January 5, 2012

Homework Coupons

During our Christmas party I gave the students each four coupons. They are:
1. Miss one homework - Daily homework only. It can be used on a math or language arts homelink. Students can save it for a day they forgot to do their homework or at any other time. This can't be used on the reading calendar or larger at home projects we'll have later in the year.
2. Miss one page of Math Boxes - We have daily math boxes that students do.
3. Sharpen a pencil at any time - The students can sharpen their pencils at anytime during the day instead of just in the morning. They can also choose to exchange the coupon for a new pencil from me.
4. Share something with the class - Sometimes students don't get to share the stories they'd like because we have to keep moving in class. This coupon gives them two minutes to share something important to them in class. For this coupon only, the class can only use one per day to keep us from missing too much class time.

Some students were saying that their parents wouldn't believe that they had a coupon to miss homework, so I wanted to put in the blog that they do in fact have a coupon to skip one day of homework.

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