Friday, October 7, 2011

Language Arts Next Week

Next week will be an unusual week for language arts. We are taking our first unit test next week and also taking the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Testing next week. Because of this there will be a few changes. Below are some of the details.

- No new story. We'll read a little more about the Olympics, but we won't have a new story next week.
- No spelling list next week.
- MAP testing will be on Monday and Wednesday morning. We will take the language arts portion on Monday and the math portion on Wednesday.
- Our language arts unit test will be on Tuesday and Thursday.
- We'll break the unit test up so it isn't so daunting.
- No Wednesday Language Arts Homework. Since we don't have a new story and have lots a testing, I'm giving the students a break. They will still have their reading calendar work though.

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