Friday, May 7, 2010


It's been a while since I've updated what we are doing in the classroom. Below gives a brief synopsis of each subject.

Math: We just started Unit 10 this week. This unit has to do with weight and measurement. The only other unit we have left after that is Unit 11 and that is a very short unit. We should be able to finish all the math lessons this year.

Language Arts: We went away from our reading series for a couple weeks to read the story Family Pictures and make a book of our own. Next week we will start the last unit. We probably won't get to all the stories, but will have time to read four more. The next story is I'm in Charge of Celebration.

Social Studies: Next week we will begin studing the 50 states. We'll make a state pillow at the end of this unit (which I will definitely ask for help with. I am not a sewer).

Science: We are finishing our plant unit this week by making a claymation of the growth of a flower. This is a fun project and I'll try to post each group's claymation on the web (I've never done that before, but I should be able to get it to work).

Reading Counts: The class continues to excel at our Reading Counts program even as the year comes closer to an end. We have one student over a million, one over 400,000, four over 250,000, six more over 100,000, and two over 60,000 words! It's great to see the kids sneaking an extra minute here and there to finish their reading books.

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