Thursday, April 15, 2010

Calendar Updates

The calendar has been updated. There are a few new events that we have.
- April 19 - Cyber-Bullying Presentation - 6:30-8:00 - Room 100 - This is a presentation for parents about cyber-bullying. I know many third graders are already using the Internet, facebook, and other social networking sites. This helps inform parents about how to prevent some of the negative aspects of the Internet.
- April 19-23 - DIBELS Testing - The students will take their last set of DIBELS testing during the week. This is the test that measures their oral reading.
- April 21 - Platteville Children's Choir - 9:45-10:15 - The choir comes to perform for Iowa-Grant. Every year there are several students from the school district who are part of the show.
- April 27 - Family Reading Fest - "It's Raining Cats and Books!" - 7:00-8:00 - Our annual Reading Fest will be on Tuesday. Please bring your child if you are able.
- April 27 and April 30 - MAPS Testing - We'll take our second set of MAPS testing on the last week of April. These are the tests taken on the computer that test math and language arts.
- June 4 - The Last Day of School - The last day has been set for Friday, June 4th even though we had 3 snow days. June 4 will also be a half day for the students. We will not have to come back on a Monday!

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