Friday, April 30, 2010

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Chief Joseph

Alexander Graham Bell

Daniel Boone

Bill Gates

Amelia Earhart

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wild Bill Hickock

Hellen Keller

Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Annie Oakley

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Albert Einstein

Family Reading Fest Tonight!

The Family Reading Fest is tonight (April 27) from 7-8 p.m. Every child who comes gets a free book!

Also, along the lines of reading, congratulations to Nathan for surpassing a million words for Reading Counts. Awesome job!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Harry Houdini

We started our biographies today, so each day I'll post of picture of each student and the name of the character they portrayed in their presentation.

CNN Story and Video

Here is one more video and story about the meteorite and presentation at Iowa-Grant. There is a story and video included in the video and actually shows a first grader finding his meteorite.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Meteorite Stories

I'll try to keep up with some of the stories running from the presentation at Iowa-Grant today.

This article is from Wisconsin State Journal. It has several pictures too (one with Mrs. Moen and some of her students).
Wisconsin State Journal

Video from Channel 15:

Meteor Presentation

Here are some pictures of the meteor presentation given by the Chicago Field Museum. It was a big event with lots of journalists and camera crews so watch the news tonight to see if you are on TV.

Also, we looked on the surveillance cameras and school to and found the playground light up in the night sky. Go to about 20 seconds into the video to see the light. The scientests said today that there was more than one flash of light, which means more than one piece of meteorite fell through the sky. You can see that in the video too.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Biography Schedule

Below is the biography schedule. You can click on it to see it more clearly. I'll send the schedule home with the kids tonight too.

Students: Make sure that you practice and are ready to go next week!

Children's Choir and Field Museum

Tomorrow the Platteville Children's Choir will be presenting in the cafeteria for the elementary. Each year the choir comes and performs at the school, and there are several students who are from Iowa-Grant. Unfortunately, the third graders who are in the choir won't perform until fourth grade.

Also, after the choir there will be a presentation about the meteorites by two experts from the National Field Museum in Chicago. This presentation will go from about 10:15 until 11:00. This is a unique time in our school district and a unique opportunity to have experts in the field discuss the meteorites. If you think you have found any meteorite samples the experts said they would be glad to analyze them.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Meteor Follow-Up

I found a cool article that says people will be looking for fragments of the meteor right around Livingston, WI!

Above is the doppler image where they think the meteorite landed.

Meteorite Hunters

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Calendar Updates

The calendar has been updated. There are a few new events that we have.
- April 19 - Cyber-Bullying Presentation - 6:30-8:00 - Room 100 - This is a presentation for parents about cyber-bullying. I know many third graders are already using the Internet, facebook, and other social networking sites. This helps inform parents about how to prevent some of the negative aspects of the Internet.
- April 19-23 - DIBELS Testing - The students will take their last set of DIBELS testing during the week. This is the test that measures their oral reading.
- April 21 - Platteville Children's Choir - 9:45-10:15 - The choir comes to perform for Iowa-Grant. Every year there are several students from the school district who are part of the show.
- April 27 - Family Reading Fest - "It's Raining Cats and Books!" - 7:00-8:00 - Our annual Reading Fest will be on Tuesday. Please bring your child if you are able.
- April 27 and April 30 - MAPS Testing - We'll take our second set of MAPS testing on the last week of April. These are the tests taken on the computer that test math and language arts.
- June 4 - The Last Day of School - The last day has been set for Friday, June 4th even though we had 3 snow days. June 4 will also be a half day for the students. We will not have to come back on a Monday!

Midwest Meteor

There was quite a buzz this morning about the meteor that was seen last night at around 10:00 p.m. It's pretty big news, so I included a link about the video of the meteor.

Monday, April 12, 2010

If I Had a Million Dollars

This week we are reading If You Made a Million in language arts. To go along with that we also have Royal Bank coming in to speak to us today (Monday). We will also be listening to the song If I Had a Million Dollars, which is below. The kids will write their own verse about what they would do if they had a million dollars this week.

If-I-Had-A-Million-Dollars .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Friday, April 9, 2010

Weekend Question

There isn't a game for the weekend, but a challenging question.

In the picture above there are only three colors (NOT four). What three colors do you see in the picture?

Evergreen Cones

We need cones from evergreen trees for an experiment next week. Please bring in one (or a couple more if you can) evergreen cone for the experiment on Thursday, April 15.


The kids brought home a book and handout about the biography that they will be doing. They need to read their story and then take notes about their person. They will then dress up and present their biography to the class.

There is a sign-up sheet on the back of the page. We'll present the biographies between April 26-30. There are three time slots each day that we can do biographies. The time slots are 9:00-9:15, 12:40-1:00, and 2:20-3:00 each day. If you are going to come please turn in the sign-up sheet or e-mail me when you can come by April 19 so I can send home a schedule.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Flower, Flower, Flower

Don't forget to bring a flower to school tomorrow (Friday, March 9) so we can dissect it in science class. Remember to just cut the flower like you would to put one in a vase with the stem included.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Parent/Teacher Conferences

- Above is an updated a list of the spring conference schedule. Conferences are tonight and they should run around 10-15 minutes per student.

- Report cards will be sent home tonight (April 6) so you can see them before conferences.

- We also go to the book fair today to buy books. If your child did not bring money for the book fair today you cans still buy them during parent/teacher club.

Reading Calendars

The kids did a great job of remembering their reading calendars after spring break! We will continue to do reading calendars throughout the rest of the year, but March was the last month for the Book It Certificates. They will still get their extra reading recess, but there will be no more personal pan pizzas.

Congratulations to the following students for turning in their calendars!

Scholastic Book Finder