Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Ways To Stay In Touch

There are two items:

1. I hope everyone has been able to keep up with the Van Clan News this year. I am introducing a new way for parents to keep up with the blog. At the right of the sight there is a Widget (that means any tool in a blog) titled Subscribe Via E-mail. If you type your e-mail into that sight you should get updates on days when I post new information on the blog.

After you type in your e-mail you will get an activation message on your e-mail account. There will be a link to click on within that e-mail to activate the service.

2. If you have a Facebook account, Iowa-Grant now has a page and you can become a fan. You will get updates and information about happenings at Iowa-Grant from it. Here is the link to the Iowa-Grant site: I-G on Facebook

P.S. We are learning about articles this week in Language Arts, so that is why they are all bolded. The students will need to find the noun that follows each article.

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