Monday, December 7, 2009

Snow Day Reminders

Here are the best ways to check to see if we are having a snow day, early release or late start due to weather.

The first two places where Mr. Slack will call are WISC-TV 3 and D99.3.

You can also call the school 608.943.6313 and there will be a recorded message from Mr. Slack saying if there is a delay. If there is not a delay it will just have the normal welcome to Iowa-Grant message.

Finally, you can go to WISC-TV 3's website for school closings and sign up for an e-mail whenever Iowa-Grant has any delays. Here's the closing website with the e-mail sign-up to the right of the page: This link will also be in the top right of the page through the winter season.

I always tell the kids that the more we talk about a snow day the less likely it is to happen. With this post, the storm weakened and we'll only get 2 or 3 inches.

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